62 research outputs found

    A checklist of copepods of the family Pandaridae (Siphonostomatoida) from fishes in Japanese waters (1898-2017)

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    1898-2017年に出版された文献に基づき,日本産魚類から記録されたサメジラミ科カイアシ類の16属24種と未同定種に関する情報(宿主,寄生部位,地理的分布,文献)を種ごとに整理した。Achtheinus, Cecropus, Demoleus, Dinemoura, Gangliopus,Nesippus,Orthagoriscicola,Parnnosus,Paranesippus,Philorthagoriscus,Pseudopandarus の11属に対して,それぞれフトバラサメジラミ,マンボウノチョウ,ドウナガサメジラミ,ツバササメジラミ,マルミサメジラミ,ホソミサメジラミ,マンボウノシラミ,ヤマトサメジラミ,ヘラツノザメジラミ,マンボウノヒフヤドリ,サメジラミモドキの新標準和名を提唱した。Based on the literature published between 1898 and 2017, a checklist is compiled for the 24 nominal species in 16 genera (Achtheinus [1 sp.], Cecropus [1 sp.], Demoleus [1 sp.], Dinemoleus [1 sp.], Dinemoura [2 spp.], Echthrogaleus [4 spp.], Gangliopus [1 sp.], Luetkenia [1 sp.], Nesippus [1 sp.], Orthagoriscicola [1 sp.], Pandarus [4 spp.], Parnnosus [1 sp.], Paranesippus [1 sp.], Philorthagoriscus [1 sp.], Prosaetes [1 sp.], and Pseudopandarus [2 spp.]) of the copepod family Pandaridae from Japanese fishes. This checklist contains information for each taxon regarding its host(s), attachment site(s), known geographical distribution in Japanese waters, and references. A host-parasite list is also given

    A checklist of copepods of the family Taeniacanthidae (Cyclopoida) from fishes in Japanese waters (1922–2020)

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    1922–2020年に出版された文献に基づき,日本産魚類から記録された9属32種のホソエラジラミ科カイアシ類の情報を寄生虫– 宿主リストと宿主– 寄生虫リストとして示した。それらはマハゼエラジラミ属(新称)Anchistoros(1種),カレイヒフジラミ属(新称)Biacanthus(1種),ツメマガリホソエラジラミ属(新称)Cirracanthus(2種),ツメナシホソエラジラミ属(新称)Irodes(1種),ドウナガホソエラジラミ属(新称)Metataeniacanthus(2種),ボウズエラジラミ属(新称)Nudisodalis(1種),マアナゴホソエラジラミ属(新称)Pseudotaeniacanthus(1種),ホソエラジラミ属(新称)Taeniacanthus(22種),ウマヅラハギジラミ属(新称)Umazuracola(1種)に属する。寄生虫– 宿主リストでは,各種の標準和名,最新の学名,過去にわが国で使用された学名,寄生部位,地理的分布等の知見を整理して示した。宿主– 寄生虫リストでは,宿主別にホソエラジラミ科カイアシ類の和名と学名を示した。Based on the literature published between 1922 and 2020, a checklist is compiled for 32 nominal species in nine genera (Anchistoros [1 sp.], Biacanthus [1 sp.], Cirracanthus [2 spp.], Irodes [1 sp.], Metataeniacanthus [2 spp.], Nudisodalis [1 sp.], Pseudotaeniacanthus [1 sp.], Taeniacanthus [22 spp.], and Umazuracola [1 sp.]) of the cyclopoid copepod family Taeniacanthidae from Japanese marine fishes. In a parasite-host list, information is given for each species on its Japanese name, current scientific name, previous scientific name(s) if present, host(s), site(s) of infection, collection site(s) in Japanese waters, and references. A host-parasite list is also given

    A checklist of copepods of the family Lernaeopodidae (Siphonostomatoida) from fishes in Japanese waters (1939-2015)

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    1939-2015年に出版された文献に基づき,日本産魚類から記録されたナガクビムシ科Lernaeopodidae カイアシ類の15属49種と未同定種(4種以上)に関する情報(異名リスト,宿主,寄生部位,地理的分布,文献)を種ごとに整理した。Alella,Brachiella,Clavellisa,Clavellopsis,Clavellotis,Naobranchia,Neoalbionella,Pseudocharopinus,Schistobrachia,Thysanote の各属に対して,ヤセナガクビムシ,ガイヨウナガクビムシ,ゾウバナナガクビムシ,ナガクビムシモドキ,マメナガクビムシ,エラマキナガクビムシ,サメナガクビムシ,エイナガクビムシ,ギンザメナガクビムシ,フサクビムシの新標準和名を提唱した。また,標準和名をもたない種に対して新標準和名を提唱した。Based on the literature published between 1939 and 2015, a checklist is compiled for the 49 nominal species and more than four unidentified species in 15 genera of the copepod family Lernaeopodidae from Japanese fishes. This checklist contains information for each taxon regarding its host(s), attachment site(s), known geographical distribution in Japanese waters, and references. A host-parasite list is also given

    A checklist of copepods of the family Pennellidae (Siphonostomatoida) from fishes and whales in Japanese waters (1916‒2014)

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    1916-2014年に出版された文献に基づき,日本産魚類から記録されたヒジキムシ科(新称)Pennellidaeカイアシ類の14属45種と未同定種(9種)に関する情報(異名リスト,宿主,寄生部位,地理的分布,文献)を種ごとに整理した。Allotrifur,Cardiodectes,Creopelates,Haemobaphes,Lernaeenicus,Lernaeolophus,Ophiolernaea,Peniculisa,Peniculus,Pennella,Peroderma,Phrixocephalus,Sarcotretes,Serpentisaccus の各属に対して,ニホンヒジキムシ,ウオノカンザシ,ウオノワキザシ,キュウケツヒジキムシ,イカリムシモドキ,ウオノハブラシ,ウオノワキザシ,ヘビイカリムシ,ツバサヒジキムシ,コヅツヒジキムシ,ヒジキムシ,ウオノフトコロガタナ,メダマイカリムシ,シンカイヒジキムシ,リュウノヒゲの新標準和名を提唱した。また,和名をもたない種に対して新標準和名を提唱した。Based on the literature published between 1916 and 2014, a checklist is compiled for the 45 nominal species and 9 unidentified species in 14 genera of the copepod family Pennellidae from Japanese fishes and whales. This checklist contains information for each taxon regarding its host(s), attachment site(s), known geographical distribution in Japanese waters, and references. A host-parasite list is also given

    Neoergasilus japonicus, a parasitic copepod from redbelly tilapia Tilapia zillii in Okinawa Prefecture, southern Japan

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    沖縄県で採集したジルティラピアから得られた雌成体の標本に基づいて,ヤマトニセエラジラミ Neoergasilus japonicus の形態,特に本種を同定する際に重要な第1胸脚と第4胸脚の形態を詳細に記載した.The ergasilid copepod Neoergasilus japonicus (Harada, 1930) is described using a gravid female from the dorsal fin of a redbelly tilapia, Tilapia zillii (Gervais, 1848), in Haebaru Reservoir, Okinawa-jima Island, Okinawa Prefecture, southern Japan. The morphology of the first and fourth thoracic legs is reported in detail.本研究の一部は、JSPS科研費 15K07527 の助成を受けて行われたものである

    A checklist of copepods of the family Philichthyidae (Cyclopoida) from fishes in Japanese waters (1924–2016)

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    1924‒2016 年に出版された文献に基づき,日本産魚類から記録されたカクレムシ科(新称)Philichthyidae カイアシ類の6 属18 種と未同定種(6 種)に関する情報(宿主,寄生部位,地理的分布,文献)を種ごとに整理した。Colobomatus,Ichthyotaces,Philichthys,Procolobomatus, Sarcotaces の5 属に対して,ツノカクレムシ,タマコブムシ,カクレムシ,トンガリムシ,コブトリジイサンの新標準和名を提唱した。Based on the literature published between 1924 and 2016, a checklist is compiled for the 18 nominal species and six unidentified species in six genera (Colobomatus, Ichthyotaces, Lernaeascus, Philichthys, Procolobomatus, and Sarcotaces) of the copepod family Philichthyidae from Japanese fishes. This checklist contains information for each taxon regarding its host(s), attachment site(s), known geographical distribution in Japanese waters, and references. A host-parasite list is also given

    Sarcotaces sp. (Copepoda: Philichthyidae), a parasite of a blacktip grouper, Epinephelus fasciatus, from off the Ryukyu Islands, southern Japan

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    Specimens of the philichthyid copepod Sarcotaces sp. were collected from gall-like cysts formed in the trunk and peduncle muscles under the skin of a blacktip grouper, Epinephelus fasciatus (Forsskål, 1775), from off Amami-oshima Island, the Ryukyu Islands, southern Japan. This finding constitutes the first record of copepod of Sarcotaces from the Ryukyu Islands. As many as eight cysts, each containing a large adult female, a dwaf adult male, and many eggs and nauplii of Sarcotaces sp., were observed in this fish

    Argulus japonicus Thiele and A. coregoni Thorell (Crustacea: Branchiura) from western Honshu, Japan

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    本州西部からチョウ属エラオ類の2種,チョウArgulus japonicus Thiele, 1900とチョウモドキA. coregoni Thorell, 1864を採集した。本地域からチョウは初記録,チョウモドキは2度目の記録になる。チョウは兵庫・島根・山口3県のコイCyprinus carpioに加えて,兵庫県の不明宿主から得られた。また兵庫県の一河川では遊泳中の個体が採集された。チョウモドキは兵庫・広島両県のアマゴOncorhynchus masou ishikawaeから得られた。Specimens of Argulus japonicus Thiele, 1900 and A. coregoni Thorell, 1864 were collected in western Honshu, Japan. This is the first documented record of A. japonicus and the second record of A. coregoni from this region. Argulus japonicus was found to be parasitic on common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Hyogo, Shimane and Yamaguchi prefectures and an unknown fish in Hyogo Prefecture. A swimming specimen of A. japonicus was taken in a river in Hyogo Prefecture. Argulus coregoni was sampled from river-resident and reared amago salmon (Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae) in Hiroshima and Hyogo prefectures, respectively

    Elucidating the multiple genetic lineages and population genetic structure of the brooding coral Seriatopora (Scleractinia: Pocilloporidae) in the Ryukyu Archipelago

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    The elucidation of species diversity and connectivity is essential for conserving coral reef communities and for understanding the characteristics of coral populations. To assess the species diversity, intraspecific genetic diversity, and genetic differentiation among populations of the brooding coral Seriatopora spp., we conducted phylogenetic and population genetic analyses using a mitochondrial DNA control region and microsatellites at ten sites in the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan. At least three genetic lineages of Seriatopora (Seriatopora-A, -B, and -C) were detected in our specimens. We collected colonies morphologically similar to Seriatopora hystrix, but these may have included multiple, genetically distinct species. Although sexual reproduction maintains the populations of all the genetic lineages, Seriatopora-A and Seriatopora-C had lower genetic diversity than Seriatopora-B. We detected significant genetic differentiation in Seriatopora-B among the three populations as follows: pairwise F (ST) = 0.064-0.116 (all P = 0.001), pairwise G\u27\u27(ST) = 0.107-0.209 (all P = 0.001). Additionally, only one migrant from an unsampled population was genetically identified within Seriatopora-B. Because the peak of the settlement of Seriatopora larvae is within 1 d and almost all larvae are settled within 5 d of spawning, our observations may be related to low dispersal ability. Populations of Seriatopora in the Ryukyu Archipelago will probably not recover unless there is substantial new recruitment from distant populations

    Integrative taxonomy of Pseudolepeophtheirus longicauda (Crustacea: Copepoda: Caligidae) parasitic on Platichthys stellatus (Actinopterygii: Pleuronectidae)

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    Based on specimens from the gill cavities of one Platichthys stellatus individual collected in the Sea of Japan, we investigated the taxonomic status of the enigmatic caligid genus Pseudolepeophtheirus and its type species, Pseudolepeophtheirus longicauda. In a maximum likelihood (ML) tree based on 18S rRNA gene sequences, the sequence from our sample was nested in a well-supported Lepeophtheirus clade, along with the type species, confirming that Pseudolepeophtheirus should be considered a junior synonym of Lepeophtheirus; our morphological data support this synonymy. Although a previous study had synonymized Pseudolepeophtheirus longicauda with Lepeophtheirus parvicruris, we found that the former differs morphologically from the latter in having a short leg-4 exopod, with the articulation between the first and second segments not evident (the shape of the posterior striated membrane on the leg-2 intercoxal sclerite also differs between two species), and detected slight differences in 18S rRNA sequences between two taxa. We thus concluded that this synonymy is invalid, and reinstate Lepeophtheirus longicauda as a valid species. A ML analysis of COI sequences from Pl. stellatus (the host fish for both L. longicauda and L. parvicruris) showed the host species to comprise distinct northwestern- and northeastern-Pacific clades. Lepeophtheirus longicauda is distributed in the northwestern Pacific and L. parvicruris in the northeastern Pacific, indicating co-divergence of the two copepod species with the host lineages